Meet us June 6th & 7th at the Florida Roofing Show Booth 733

Pitched lead roof flashing are available upon demand.
We produce these for our distributors in Chicago and other midwest areas that require pitched flashings.
These are made to fit specific roofing pitch. Even in area that generally use crimped flashings these are occasionally specified.

Fixed angle flashing


Viewed with angle away


fixed angle flashing leaning right

These flashing are angled to accommodate particular roof pitch.
The base can be a Pure Lead Standard size or different.
The riser pipe will probably be a standard diameter.
The flashing would be fabricated out of 2.5#, 3# or 4# lead.

Pitched Lead Flashings Standard Sizes

SizeInside Pipe DiameterBase Dimensions Stack Size
1½”2¼”12″ x 12”12″
2”2¾”12″ x 12”12″
3”3¾”12″ x 12”12″
4”4¾”12″ x 12”12″
5”5¾”14” x 14”12″
6”6¾”15” x 15”12″





FRSA 2025
Gaylord Palm Resort and Convention Center Kissimmee FL